Greater London Area of Narcotics Anonymous

For GLANA Online Meetings Please Click Red Button


Thank you for your interest in Narcotics Anonymous. Due to the current state of emergency in Ontario over the COVID-19 virus threat all N.A. meetings in the Greater London Area have been temporarily suspended until further notice.

Many meetings are now switching to an online format and for many the internet has become our new meeting room. I'd like to personally thank all the recovering addicts whose ingenuity and creativity has made this platform a viable option for those still wishing to attend meetings. I'd also like to extend a special thank you to all who have chosen to heed our government and medical professional's advice during this critical time and have chosen to stay home and practice social distancing. We will be adding links to our webpage in the days to come for online meetings. Our hope is that it may assist any addicts who are struggling so that no addict anywhere need die from the horrors of addiction without having had the chance to hear our life saving message of hope.

Stay safe and be well.
Pete. H
G.L.A.N.A. Chairperson

Online meetings using Zoom. You will need to download the Zoom app, available free on Google Play or the App Store.

Once it's installed, open it and tap the "Join a Meeting" at the bottom of the screen. Under "Meeting ID" enter a Meeting ID of your choice from the list below. Enter the password if prompted and tap "Continue". You can Copy and paste the meeting ID's from the website to the zoom app on your device.

If you are having trouble logging into a meeting it could be because you are joining the meeting as a guest. Some meetings have a setting that requires you to have your own account to be an authenticated user.

Virtual NA Click link for virtual Narcotics Anonymous meetings

If you want a online GLANA meeting to be added to the meeting's page please email the Webservant at If you are creating an online meeting we would suggest that you keep the meeting ID and password the same for each recurring meeting so we don't send an addict to a meeting that is not active. If your groups online info changes please email the webservant to update the info.